Our Story

Our store offers a thoughtfully curated combination of diabetic accessories, and jewelry that are both stylish and affordable.

The Face Behind Sugars and Pins: 

Hey there, fabulous diabetes warriors! I'm Lorey, and I am delighted to welcome you to Sugars and Pins. Omnipod covers and diabetes accessories. My journey as a fellow diabetic began in 2015. Being diagnosed with diabetes is life-changing. I remember feeling overwhelmed and alone, as if no one understood that life as I knew it was over. I won't lie to you; there was a grieving period. I had to mourn the life I lost. The way I lived for the first 28 years of my life was over, and there was no going back. So, I could arm myself with information and face this challenge head-on or stick my head in the sand and give up. 

Join Our Colorful Community:

To us, Sugars and Pins is more than just a business; it's a vibrant community of diabetes warriors who inspire and uplift each other. I'm so grateful to have you on this journey with me, and I'm excited to see how our community continues to grow and thrive. Share your stories, connect with like-minded individuals, and let's celebrate each other's triumphs, both big and small. Together, we're turning diabetes into a canvas of strength, resilience, and fabulousness!

Thank You for Being a Part of Our Story:

Thank you for being here, supporting Sugars and Pins, and making it possible for me to do what I love every day. Your love, feedback, and encouragement fuel my passion and remind me of the positive impact we can create in the world of diabetes management. Let's make diabetes a statement of style, self-expression, and above all, unwavering strength!